Jumper third eye blind : I

Jumper third eye blind

: I honestly dont think youre ever going to hear what you need to hear. People like who youre dealing with just go through life oblivious to the most basic aspects of dealing with people honestly. I cant imagine how he goes to bed each night without a ton of guilt. Posted on January 20, 2010 4:36 PM I agree with Hog, Jerry, I dont think youre being very objective in your assesment and at this point are simply flinging stuff in the air hoping something will stick, your readers will drop it and move on. It is a pretty simple question what exactly is different about the Lexicon that makes it better? Most of the stuff you say is simply related to the case or is stuff you are assuming but dont actually know. better chasis, yes ok fair enough we got that, better build quality, ok better build quality of the CHASIS maybe, but the internals are identical until Lexicon proves otherwise. Less jitter and noise, ok did you actually measure this or are you just guessing? Im assuming it was not measured and youre just throwing it out there, as far as any journalistic standards go this is pretty poor. transport is more quiet again, did you actually take the two units apart and measure the noise coming from them or at least compare them in that fashion? Im assuming what you mean is that the unit is more quiet, not the actual transport, which would make sense because of the greater amount of metal surrounding the transport in the Lexicon. Basically youve said the same thing that the chassis is better, about 3 different ways, then threw out jitter and noise without actually measuring that to see if its true. Telling us that we can vote with our wallets ok fair enough, but people rely on objective, fair and unbiased reviews to aid them in their purchasing decisions. It is not possible for me to be an auto expert, a computer expert, a phone expert, a stereo expert, a home heating expert, etc. I rely on people I trust to give me good advice so I can make reasonably informed decisions. I think what a lot of your readers feel is that your site, which I can only assume would purport to help and inform its readers, has put out a flawed and biased review, and that even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary you continue to stand behind it. Is it fair enough to say that for 99% of consumers out there buying the BD-30 would be a huge mistake? If so why not simply say that in the review? Why continue to present it as a reasonable purchasing decision for some people when it simply isnt. I mean the only reason I can see buying it is if you have so much money that it simply is not an issue and you like the Lexicon case. Posted on January 20, jumper third eye blind 5:19 PM I cant imagine how he goes to bed each nigh without a ton of guilt. I know this will get my response cut maybe all of my posts here, but it needs to be said: Posted on January 20, 2010 5:26 PM You state that the lexicon has less jitter than the oppo. Can you please show proof of this measurement. Posted on January 20, 2010 6:21 PM Thanks for all the interest in this one. Obviously some major issues have arisen since this review was submitted, I will do my best to address each of them as concisely as possible. I have been sick with the Flu for the last week so have not been as active on this thread as I would have liked! Yes, you are correct the Oppo does come with test discs as well, though I prefer DVE. This is the real question every one is wondering, so I will spend most of my time here. First, as I stated in the review, I did perform minor adjustments to my set using DVE on the Lexicon prior to any comparisons. While I used the identical HDMI cable and power cord for both players Lex BD 30 and Oppo BD-83 SE, it is possible that each player has a slightly different output, and perhaps I should have re-done DVE in the Oppo prior to the comparison, but I did such minor changes to my display it didnt seem necessary at the time. This alone could account for the slight differences I saw. Did I see a difference? Yes, I repeated the first scene from Underworld Evolution and STILL find the Lexicon to be slightly better, especially jumper third eye blind the purple hue to the marauders hair, on the Oppo it seems over done while the Lexicon makes it seem like actual sheen off dark hair. How is this possible? I have the two units, and I have re-run this scene a dozen times, the Lex looks better, albeit slightly as I stated in the review. I posed the idea of a rebadged Oppo to Lexicon and received this statement in an Email; We worked with both Oppo and with their sub-assembly supplier as partners. We requested and obtained numerous changes from what was then the standard Oppo unit. In fact, 40% of the cost of the BD-30 is American content, and it is made in Elkhart IN. The units have gone through a very thorough engineering effort in Elkhart to confirm performance and reliability. Did Lexicon just do better QC than Oppo? I can be sure the drive noise is not just the better case, but it is possible that a more solid casing could lessen vibration and improve performance. I can say unequivocally that the drive was SILENT on the Lexicon, this even if I put my ear up to the chassis as it loaded or spun up discs, my Oppo was noisy as I stated, since then Oppo has sent me a replacement but due to my recent Flu I havent unboxed it to compare. I cannot comment on the THX issue. Fatherom, I believe the comment you are referring to was posted in the comments section and was deleted even my posts were removed!. See above for the THX issue.

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